Innovative Systems for the Design, Targeting & Management of Social Policies
Prosperia Social is a social enterprise revolutionizing the design, targeting and management of social policies, by leveraging data science, catastrophe modelling, AI and interactive decision support towards positive social impact at a large scale.
We empower governments, international organizations, and
NGOs to implement more accurate, equitable, efficient and transparent policies that are resilient to climate change.
International & Academic Organizations
Government Organizations
Geographic Presence
Incluia builds large-scale and fine-grained maps of urban extreme poverty, which are packaged as a geographic recommendation system aimed at increasing the effectiveness of field social workers in their proactive search for potential beneficiaries of social programs.
Currently, Incluia is being piloted in Costa Rica and Brazil.
Gaia is a geospatial intelligence platform for risk management that enables intelligent prioritization of policies, benefits, and adaptation measures.
Through risk models it identifies vulnerable populations exposed to climate change and natural disasters. This analysis provides the key information to decision-makers to enable the development of proactive mitigating social policies before, during, and after disaster events.
Criteria is an interactive decision support system that empowers policy-makers to explore, analyze, and decide over a large space of potential designs and targeting schemes for social policies.
Criteria visualizes interactively the expected poverty impact of policy alternatives, as well as their associated costs. Policies can be designed in terms of: target population, prioritization criteria(s), support amounts, budget constraints, segmentation by relevant groups, and group-specific amounts & selection criteria.
Crowd-View conducts massive interviews and utilizes advanced quantitative-qualitative analytics powered by AI.
Interviews can be conducted in-person, via WhatsApp or other digital means. In contrast to conventional surveys, Crowd-View enables automated synthesis of unstructured qualitative data, allowing for unprecedented scale in analysis without constraining survey participants with structured questions. Survey results can be analyzed and dissected in an interactive online platform.
Proxia revolutionizes the income poverty estimators that have been used worldwide during the past two decades for prioritizing households in terms of their socioeconomic need.
By introducing accurate statistical methods and high-dimensional household profiles, Proxia has been able to substantially reduce exclusion and inclusion errors of social programs by up to 39% in several Latin American countries.